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News > Memories > Blast from the past as the name Eric Lloyd triggers memories from the late 1950s

Blast from the past as the name Eric Lloyd triggers memories from the late 1950s

Several weeks ago a name jumped out at me as I was looking down the list of new arrivals on Oswestry Connect - Eric Lloyd.
20 May 2024
Written by David Pickup


1950's OOs

Cover photo: All smiles in the School Library, 1960.
Back row L-R: Jeremy Parslew, Jack Greves, Eric Lloyd.
Front, seated L-R: Jimmy Sharples, David Pickup, Roger Morgan, Bernard Pickup


Thinking he might be someone I remembered from my school days I made contact with him, and he confirmed that indeed he was one and the same Eric Lloyd whom I have not seen since leaving School in 1960.

Eric sent me several photographs, one of which is above, in which School House Seniors, including Eric who seems to be reading a crisp packet and drinking a bottle of pop, are captured in the Library, celebrating Oswald's overwhelming victory on Sports Day,1960.

It is said that every picture tells a story, but I can not account for my strange pose, nor that of the School House clown, Jimmy 'Sharps' Sharples, sitting alongside me!

However, I must digress for a moment. Noticing that my brother was in charge of the radio in this setting, I was reminded of the time, circa 1958, when our newly formed rock/skiffle group was belting out an enthusiastic rendition of Lonnie Donegan's 1956 hit song "Putting on the Style", in the Library.

To the accompaniment of guitar and makeshift double bass (we did not have a washboard), my brother, Bernard, was giving us his spirited version of the song with much gusto when Headmaster Frankland suddenly burst into the Library, no doubt attracted by the cacophony of sound. With a look of thunder on his face he condemned outright, what he called 'street corner music', and promptly banned all guitars etc from the school!

The next picture is of a more sombre nature. Three of the gang have disappeared from the library in search of more refreshment, as the remainder desperately try to look as if they are concentrating on more cerebral matters.

Left to right: Eric Lloyd, David Pickup, Jack Greves, Bernard Pickup

Do not be fooled however, as by the time we get to the next shot our concentration has been broken by Eric Lloyd, who has ditched his lemonade for a beer, and is trying to find some pop music on the only remaining portable radio in School House, which I believe belonged to Douglas Jones. 

I look concerned by the diminishing amount of beer as I peer down the neck of my second bottle, Jack has discovered a more interesting magazine to read, and Bernard, having quaffed all three bottles of his beer, has resorted in desperation to lemonade through a straw, but not for long.

Easily distracted, we turn to more interesting activities.

Shortly afterwards the rest of the gang reappeared with more supplies, and the reason for our celebration becomes apparent as we parade the booty from a successful day at Park Hall Sports Stadium.

We had each played an important part in our overall victory, and I have included a few action shots below. I should mention that Roger Morgan went on to win the Victor Ludorum the following year, in the process of which he broke several School records (cheques or cash will do fine, Roger!)

The spoils of victory come hone again to Oswald for a second year running.

The next photograph which captures the start of the 1 mile, was taken prior to actual Sports Day on the Maes-y-Llan. The boys were all from Oswald, bar one, and everyone achieved the standard time required apart from Moore-Bridger, far left, who belonged to Burnaby.

Left to right: Moore-Bridger, D Jones, Woolrich, Greves, Brickles, B Pickup, Parslew, D Pickup.

Half way into the same race Bernard is leading the field, and as a matter of interest, Eric Lloyd, can be seen, far right in the picture, cheering us all on.

Bernard leads the chasing pack.

Taken at Park Hall Stadium, the next image captures the start of the final of the 100yds, 1960. Needless to say, RA Hughes won the race, Bernard was second, and I came 3rd.

Left to right: D Pickup, G Hitchen, D Bebb, R Morgan, B Pickup, RA Hughes.

I am not sure where this splendid action shot of my brother was taken in 1960, probably the Maes-y-Llan, but I can see that Jeremy Parslew, far left in the immediate background, wearing a long black coat, is keeping himself warm before his next jump. The boy dressed in a white top behind the action is rehearsing his next attempt to scale the bar.

Action Man, Bernard, 1960.

We were fortunate to be blessed with an abundance of athletic talent in School House, and I was proud to have been elected Captain of Athletics by the boys in Oswald House. We were a closely knit bunch, and their combined efforts in training for The Triangle and other events rewarded them with the trophies I was delighted to accept on their behalf.

In the first of two photographs below, an unsmiling Frankland looks on as I am handed the House Cup for Oswald in March of 1960 by Mrs Peter Humphreys, at a time when the pot was already beginning to boil uncomfortably in School House. This was just one of the many trophies I collected on behalf of Oswald in 1960.

The spoils of victory. 

The final photograph, taken 12 months earlier in 1959, was a portend of more to come as I am pictured holding several of the trophies won by a superior Oswald team.  

The best athlete in the School, Tony Hughes, School Captain of Athletics, and Burnaby, who deservedly walked off with The Victor Ludorum, looks enviously over my right shoulder as I hold some of the coveted trophies after the games. Although he won every event in which he took part, he was unable to carry the day for Burnaby on his own, as Oswald had strength in depth, and it was, at the end of the day, a team event, and all the training had paid off for Oswald House.

The sweet smell of victory.


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